To P3 and Kantara Community,  


The Privacy Framework sub-group has championed the development of a privacy framework for federated credential management. At this time we are looking for privacy and identity champions to contribute to this effort by summarising a principle, contributing to the draft of a privacy framework overview document and contribute to the development of a framework.  Currently there is a gap between the privacy and identity management community, privacy expertise is needed to support the development of privacy framework recommendations that inform the development of identity and  trust frameworks.  For our next steps we require help in evaluating the principles we have discovered and combining them together to produce a meaningful set. 



The PFSG was formed 6 months ago as a sub-group of Kantara's P3WG. During this time we have discovered relevant materials and compiled a list of privacy principles that form the basis of privacy and public policy for the development of a privacy framework for identity management. 



To draft a Privacy Framework overview that can offer guidance and be used to discuss and further develop an identity privacy framework.  To present this document in a manner that supports Identity Assurance and initiatives like FICAM and NSTIC trust frameworks.  In summary, a privacy framework is intended to provide the legal and policy practices for the technical management of credentials in trust and privacy relationships.


So far we have developed a description of a privacy framework based on best practices and regulations, along with a discovery of privacy principles and how they relate to the development of privacy compliant profiles.  Upon completion of the principle summaries, the discovery will be collated into an overview document for editing and discussion.


At this time we are looking for members and participants with privacy expertise to contribute to this review and overview.  For those familiar with privacy and identity, the commitment is minimal and aimed at contributing to the discussion of privacy and trust in Identity Management. 

Principle summaries completed to date:

We need volunteers for the remaining principles. 

The  principle summary template can be found here. Examples of already submitted principles can be found here!  The entire commitment of effort encompasses a principle summary and editing the compiled draft championing the summary. 


Thanks in advance for your interest.




Mark Lizar

Secretary, Kantara Initiative's Privacy and Public Policy Work Group

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