On behalf of Roger Martin, Interim Executive Director

Throughout our first year of work within the Kantara Initiative, it has become clear how much energy and excitement there has been around innovation and harmonization across various identity projects.  It takes a lot of effort to help foster the development of identity specifications, operational frameworks and related programs.  We have been fortunate to be supported in this effort by so many dedicated partners and individual contributors.

In an effort to recognize, in some small part, the enormous effort put forth by the participants, we initiated the first annual Kantara Initiative Most Valuable Participant (MVP) award for 2009.  The community as a whole nominated individuals who they thought worked the hardest, showed the most leadership, and provided the most valuable contributions to the work of our Work Groups and Discussion Groups during 2009.  The Leadership Council then selected the MVP from the outstanding list of nominees.

It is my pleasure to announce that Trent Adams has won the first annual Kantara Initiative MVP award.  Trent will be recognized at Kantara Initiative's annual Identity Workshop at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco on March 1st.

While this award only recognizes a single individual, I hope you will also join me in congratulating all of the tireless contributors who have helped make this a strong first year for the Kantara Initiative.  It is only through your collective hard work and dedication that we will succeed.

Roger Martin
Interim Executive Director
Dervla O’Reilly
Program Manager
Kantara Initiative
+1 415 731 4487 business
+1 415 948 3650 mobile
+1 509 757 4487 fax

Register for Kantara's annual workshop March 1, 2010 at the RSA Conference free of charge - http://bit.ly/Kantara_Initiative_RSA_Workshop_March1