Dear Kantara Community,

We'll be participating in another Google hangout virtual session tomorrow discussing the effects of data privacy on business and economies. 

Is privacy good for trust and therefore good for business? Are concerns over privacy exaggerated?  Can businesses value privacy while leading their market?

Please join us and discuss! I'm pleased to moderated this great panel: Andre Boysen (SecureKey), Jay Meier (Bio-Key), and Robin Wilton (ISOC).

Topic: Privacy for Economy
Date: April 9
Time: 8am PT / 11am ET / Intnl -
Join Here:

In an inter-connected world, questions around the economics of privacy and personal data are of top concern to industry leaders. While privacy and security nuances have social and political implications, there are also many economic considerations to be understood. Economic forecasts are already predicting a large loss in revenue for US Cloud Based vendors and services due to concerns over privacy of information stored and shared. The issue is not localized to US markets. It has global impact, legal and cultural implication across the globe. Governments, who have responsibilities to protect data assets and their citizens, are now at odds with the business and economic implications of both criminal and law enforcement activities.

Join us for an engaging discussion, designed to provoke thoughts and questions around this issue. Tweet your questions to our panel of experts using the hashtag #IEEEpriv.

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
voice:+1 732-226-4223
email: joni @

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