Dear Kantara Initiative Members and Community,

This is a formal notification that the Identity Assurance Work Group (IAWG)
has approved the following documents as Draft Recommendations:


Kantara IAF-1400 SAC v3.1bis, Service Assessment Criteria
(for review pending formal release as v4.0)                                                                                                

(Note: Changes from the IAF-1400 SAC v3.0 and the IAF-1400 SAC v3.1bis have 
been marked in grey within the document.)

Link to all documents:

Per Section 5 of the Operating Procedures, this email initiates a review and
comment period of 45 days on these documents, which shall end on *January 30,
2014, 17:00 Pacific Time.*

If you choose to comment on these Draft Recommendations, a comment form is
available here:

Please return the form to by January 30, 2014.

*IPR Notice:* If you are an IAWG Participant be *sure* to make any claims
to IPR regarding these draft recommendations by using the comment form. If
you are not an IAWG Participant you have no IPR licensing obligation to any
of these documents.

Heather Flanagan
Technical Program Coordinator
Kantara Initiative
Skype: hlflanagan