Kantara Initiative announces the formation of the Federation Interoperability Work Group (FIWG)
Kantara Community, The Kantara Initiative is pleased to announce the formation of the Kantara Initiative Federation Interoperability Work Group (FIWG). The purpose of this Work Group is to profile existing specifications to define an interoperable trust infrastructure for use by parties participating in Trust Frameworks. This will allow entities to determine the certification status and configuration parameters of entities outside of their local federation. For more information on the Interoperability Workgroup, please visit the Federation Interoperability home page at http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/fiwg/Home - Join this Group - Review their Charter - IPR Policy - Creative Commons Share-Alike Attribution - Mail list and archives This Work Group is open to the public and ANY interested party may sign up to Participate. If you or your colleagues would like to join this group, simply complete the Group Participation Agreement here: http://signup.kantarainitiative.org/?selectedGroup=24 John Bradley will convene the group and welcomes you to join our kick off conference call on Wednesday, June 2, 7am PDT where we will discuss goals, scope and leadership nominations. The group will meet on a weekly basis towards the IOP at Burton Catalyst in San Diego end of July, reverting to bi-weekly thereafter. Bridge details: Skype: +9900827042954214 US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 Room Code: 2954214 If you have any questions about the Kantara Initiative or how to get involved please don't hesitate to send us a message (support@kantarainitiative.org ) or use the contact form here: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/GI/Contact+Us We look forward to your participation. Dervla ________________________ Dervla O’Reilly Program Manager Kantara Initiative +1 415 731 4487 business +1 415 948 3650 mobile +1 509 757 4487 fax dervla[at]kantarainitiative[dot]org http://www.kantarainitiative.org
participants (1)
Dervla O'Reilly