Kanara Initiative to participate at the IHE North America Connectathon Conference
Dear Kantara Initiative Community: *Registration is open for IHE Connectathon 2015* Secure your place among industry leaders at North America's largest interoperability testing event. *View the infographic <http://www.iheusa.org/images/IHE_Connecthon_Infographic_V2.jpg>* to see the opportunities, challenges and accomplishments for each day. Can your crew brave five days of interoperability testing? <http://www.iheusa.org/images/IHE_Connecthon_Infographic_V2.jpg> Take the lead to advance your products and resolve problems in real-time by testing interoperability against other vendors at the IHE North American Connectathon <http://iheusa.org/connectathon-registration.aspx>, January 26-30, 2015. You'll join over 100 participating vendors and 600+ engineers and IT architects at the Cleveland Convention Center and HIMSS Innovation Center in Cleveland, Ohio. To learn more,register now <https://ihe.webex.com/ec0701l/eventcenter/enroll/register.do?formId=0&formType=0&loadFlag=1&siteurl=ihe&confId=1682239171> for the Registration Kick-Off webinar this afternoon. *"I'm ready to sign up for the Connectathon now. Game on."* Ready. Set. Go: Begin the four-step Connectathon registration process here. <http://iheusa.org/connectathon-registration.aspx> *Questions?* Email Sarah Willis-Garcia <SWillis@himss.org>. Kind regards, Marissa --------- Marissa Jadrosich Program Manager for Kantara Initiative Phone: 732-465-5895 Email: marissa@kantarainitiative.org Website: www.kantarainitiative.org
participants (1)
Marissa Jadrosich