DIAL-IN: Skype: +9900827042954214 (Note that this number will change January 1, 2012!!) US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912 DATE: Tuesday, 20 December / 2011 TIME: 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC AGENDA: 1. Administrative a. Roll Call b. New member introduction c. Motion for minutes approval: Minutes 2011-12-06 2011-11-08 (Do we want to do this as DG? It is not required) d. Agenda confirmation e. Action item review i. 20111108-04: all: to review the eGov requirements and see what information can be used/discussed at next call, Colin to send link ii. 20111206-01: Keith to add links to Social2SAML iii. 20111206-02: Heather to report on Mapping the Identity Ecosystem workshop, Amsterdam iv. 20111206-03: Colin to provide liaison with OASIS Trust Elevation f. 90 Day deliverable i. Identify gaps in attribute landscape, 2. Discussion Topics a. Mapping attributes to providers where the don’t match (Identify attributes mismatches) i. content difference ii. name difference b. Social2SAML gap 3. AOB