Hello, As we have previously discussed the joint meeting of the IAWG, HIAWG, P3WG and AMDG is confirmed. Please register ASAP as space is limited! We look forward to the event! Registration: http://kantarameetingassurance.eventbrite.com/ Thanks to our gracious hosts, Surescripts, for providing the space and connectivity for the event! Purpose - The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate activities of each Work Group regarding Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance programs. Each group shares a common task in terms of evolving the Kantara Initiative Identity Assurance programs. However, each group also has a specific area of interest: Assurance in general, Healthcare and Privacy. To ensure consistency across the Work Groups they have decided to meet together to information share and advance their work tracks. Meeting Details: • Dates: August 6 is a leadership meeting. August 7-8 is open to all Participants (as space allows) • Draft Agenda: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/x/vYGXAw • Food and Beverage: Details will be provided to the registrants prior to the meeting • Social Event: Details will be provided to the registrants prior to the meeting • Lodging: see registration page Best Regards, =Joni Joni Brennan Kantara Initiative | Executive Director voice:+1 732-226-4223 email: joni @ ieee-isto.org Slideshare - Building Trusted Identity Ecosystems - It takes a village! http://www.slideshare.net/kantarainitiative/kantara-may-2012