From: "Dagg, Kenneth" <>
Date: 27March2012 1:05:07 PM PDT
To: "''" <>
Subject: review of draft report

In reviewing the current version (#55) I could not see the following work that was identified in the gap discussion in the recommendations section:
  • Under coordination there needs to be something around coordinating the development and normalization of terms and definitions
  • Under needs there needs to be something around developing a classification system for business processes including and understanding of the attributes needed by each
  • Under context there needs to be something around understanding the set of attributes associated with each context (establishing a unique identity?)
  • Under query language there needs to be something around protocols to transmit attribute assertions
  • I think there is a missing recommendation around consent that could be along the lines of coordinating with the P2WG or possibly charging the P3WG with this task
Kenneth Dagg
Senior Project Co-ordinator | Coordonnateur de projet supérieur
Security and Identity Management | Sécurité et gestion des identités
Chief Information Officer Branch | Direction du dirigeant principal de l'information
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R5
Telephone | Téléphone 613-957-7041 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-954-6642 / Teletypewriter | Téléimprimeur 613-957-9090
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada