I checked for the term Identity Attribute in the IAF Glossary and did not find it. As such, I did not send a note to the IAWG. However, the following terms are in the glossary: * Attribute - a property associated with an individual * Identity - a unique name for a single person. Because a person's legal name is not necessarily unique, identity must include enough additional information (for example, an address or some unique identifier such as an employee or account number) to make a unique name. * Identification - Process of using claimed or observed attributes of an individual to infer who the individual is. * Identity Proofing - The process by which identity related information is validated so as to identify a person with a degree of uniqueness and certitude sufficient for the purposes for which that identity is to be used. The AMDG report currently defines Identity Attribute as Information bound to a subject identity that specifies a characteristic of the subject. I suggest that this definition is not in alignment with the definitions contained in the IAF glossary. While I have nothing against the definitions contained in ITU-T X.1252 I would suggest that we remain consistent and aligned with KI definitions. I believe the following would be more aligned, "Identity Attribute is information that contributes to establishing the identity (a unique name) of a single person?" Comments? Or reasons not to use this definition (other than it's not the ITU definition)? BTW: I have updated the report. I added a glossary and some text about RP requirements. I also took the opportunity to align the recommendations at the start of the report with the recommendations at the end. Ken Kenneth Dagg Senior Project Co-ordinator | Coordonnateur de projet supérieur Security and Identity Management | Sécurité et gestion des identités Chief Information Officer Branch | Direction du dirigeant principal de l'information Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R5 Kenneth.Dagg@tbs-sct.gc.ca Telephone | Téléphone 613-957-7041 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-954-6642 / Teletypewriter | Téléimprimeur 613-957-9090 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada [X]