Skype: +9900827042954214 
US Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912
Tuesday, 6 December / 2011
11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC
1. Administrative:
Roll Call
New member introduction
Motion for minutes approval: Minutes 2011-11-08
Agenda confirmation
Action item review
20111108-01: all: review Account Linking doc and provide feedback by next call*
20111108-02: Keith: Move Attribute Aggregation use case up to VO section*
20111108-03: Sal: Sal to post the PIV2SAML items to the use case repository*
20111108-04: all: to review the eGov requirements and see what information can be used/discussed at next call
20111108-05: Sal: reach out to the background check industry to see if they are willing to participate in the DG-AM
2. 90 Day deliverable – Identify gaps in attribute landscape
            i. Mapping attributes to providers where the don’t match
(Identify attributes mismatches)
            a. content difference
                        b. name difference
3. OASIS Trust Elevation
4. AOB


—> Anna Ticktin

       Technical Program Coordinator