25 Feb
25 Feb
5:16 p.m.
Hi all - Just a reminder: we have our Attribute Management Discussion Group call this Tuesday. Agenda is online in detail, with summary below. http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/AMDG/AMDG+Meeting+Agenda+201... * *Date:* Tuesday, February 28, 2012 (?) * *Time:* 11h PT / 14h ET / 19h UTC * Dial in: * Skype: \+99051000000481 * US Dial-In: \+1-805-309-2350 \| Room Code: 613-2898 AGENDA: 1. Administrative a. Roll Call b. New member introduction - no new members c. Agenda confirmation d. Action item review 2. Discussion a. Report b. OIX-AX (guest, Don Thibeau) c. Meeting March 13?