eGov requirements for attributes, and report recommendations

Hi all - I believe we've captured most of the items out of the eGov requirements for attributes in our report. As a reminder, those requirements (assuming I've found them all) are: Develop a common approach to protocol choice, implementation and subsequent deployment Schema Semantics (there are generic and industry-specific attribute code lists everywhere (LDAP, x500, OASIS CIQ, Health's HL7, InCommon etc) so let’s not re-invent anything..rather re-use something/s*****) and from this develop Metadata definition, and Level of Assurance criteria for attributes ( We've mentioned schema and metadata, work on semantics and terminology, and LoA. We have not discussed how to develop a common approach to protocol choice, etc. I think that might actually a bit too detailed for what we're expected to accomplish in our discussion group, but someone may have a different opinion? I've also updated the recommendations section significantly based on our call today. You know you can't wait to go review it. ;-) -Heather
participants (1)
Heather Flanagan