To facilitate the proliferation of Identity Federations the BCTF (Business Cases for Trust Federation Discussion Group) is collecting, documenting and classifying projects of this category. This is not about technology, standards or areas of interest (SAML, OpenID, WS-Trust, etc.) but about business (FICAM, InCommon, SAFE, TSCP, STORK, etc.). So far have named 25 projects and described 3 projects in detail: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/bctf/Implemented+Trust+Frame... We need to know about more projects and more about projects. I am asking you to contribute to this community effort in one or the other way: Provide a reference to similar lists that describe federation projects Name projects that you know and are not in the list (except higher edu - counts as a single project for now) Make contact to people who you think know more about this Submit more information on projects that need an overview and/or detailed description Be an editor for one or more items in the list If editing the wiki is an obstacle, please submit you contribution vie email to dg-bctf@kantarainitiative.org. Your help is very appreciated. - Rainer Hörbe - Kantara BCTF DG - chair