Hello All— In advance of launching a doodle poll to determine a suitable call time for the Business Cases for Trusted Federations Discussion Group (BCTF-DG), I'm circling with the group to nail down some loose times and dates. It has been determined that this DG will begin as a monthly telecon. With that, we're looking at Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Please review the list of proposed Days + Times. I will compile the feedback against the current Kantara Telecon Schedule and report back either with a definitive call time or a doodle poll for consensus. Please respond with your availability: ( all call times are listed in Pacific Time) Mondays 10:00am [2nd, 3rd or 4th Monday of the month so as not to conflict with our eGOV members] Wednesdays 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 or noon Thursdays 11:00 or noon [2nd or 4th Thursdays so as not to conflict with the FIWG noon meetings] Regards —> Anna Ticktin Technical Program Coordinator anna@kantarainitiative.org anna@ieee-isto.org