Hello All— This is to remind you of the Kick-Off call for the Business Cases for Trusted Federations Discussion Group. AGENDA: 1. Introduction & Overview 2. Proposed Scope and Deliverables: a) "List of Trust Framework Projects" b) "Analysis of Business Cases" • http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/bctf/Implemented+Trust+Frame... 3. Formalization of telecon schedule 4. Leadership Nominations 5. AOB
DATE: Monday 24 January 2011
TIME: 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET / 18:00 UTC
Skype: +9900827044630912
North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 Room Code: 4630912
International TOLL Dial-in: Austria +43 (0) 82040115470 Belgium +32 (0) 70357134 Canada +1 (201) 793-9022 France +33 (0) 826109071 Germany +49 01805009527 Ireland +353 (0) 818270968 Italy +39 848390177 Spain +34 (9) 02885791 Switzerland +41 (0) 848560397 United Kingdom +44 (0) 8454018081
—> Anna Ticktin Technical Program Coordinator anna@kantarainitiative.org anna@ieee-isto.org