http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/2016-09+%28September+201... Agenda: - Pick a time for an ad hoc report working session - Work on use cases on the call (finally!) Attending: Eve, Kathleen, Jeff S, Adam M, John M, Scott S, Domenico, Adrian, Jim, John W *NOTE:* No BSC telecon this Thursday because we couldn't find a chair pro tem. Eve, Thomas, Kathleen, and Scott D had expressed particular interest in an editing session. We'll work out a time for that and advertise the time. (John W and Domenico have some interest.) Regarding the Stellar Consensus Protocol-involving use case: John W notes: "Disclaimer re: Stellar Consensus Protocol. I work with JLINC Labs which uses the Stellar blockchain for our open source JLINC protocol." John M describes his new "Evidence Notebook" use case <https://healthcaresecprivacy.blogspot.com/2016/08/blockchain-and-smart-contracts-applied.html>: It's trying to achieve what Jim describes as proof-of-existence in a way that can be private at first. He provides three variations, e.g. to provide signatures. Community peers could even provide counter-signatures even if they can't see the content. He's prepared for lots of discussion over all of this. Adrian ties these ideas to his for doctors signing patient-centric prescriptions, noting that no smart contract is needed in his scenario; for John's use case, the signature is independent and doesn't need smart contracts while the escrow does. Observing commonalities in use cases: John W sees that there are attributes (facts??) that are frozen and verifiable. In the identity space, these might be identity attributes. *Eve Maler*ForgeRock Office of the CTO | VP Innovation & Emerging Technology Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl *ForgeRock Summits and UnSummits* are coming to <http://summits.forgerock.com/> *London and Paris!*