Please note: Though we will hold ad hoc report editing meetings next Tuesday and Thursday (Dec 20 and 22) at the usual location, which others are welcome to join, these are not formal DG meetings and we don't expect normal group attendance. There will be no meetings at all on Dec 27 and 29. We'll sort out our DG timeline and roadmap in more detail in January.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all!



Attending: Eve, Thomas, Kathleen, Susan

What does "empowered" actually mean? Eve points to her "user-centric" criteria as one way to get sharper-edged (see below). What scenarios should we collect? Thinking of financial transactions (since Thomas has been hanging out with FIs  ), that should include getting "universal access" to data, even if (say) it's jointly owned, as in joint accounts. But it's more than data; it's actual transacting, as in payments and buying stuff. Also, online apps should ask for only what's needed, and there should be a sort of "Good Housekeeping seal" she can trust. Think of Uber and what it knows and shares. There's helping Alice make a decision about clinical trials and to what purposes her health data is put. Genomic data is a case of data that's both "jointly owned" and not deidentifiable. (BTW, research isn't covered by HIPAA.)

Suggestion: We need to a) define empowerment, b) select final scenarios, c) assess specific technologies, not very broad ones, and then d) ultimately make observations and even compare them before e) writing recommendations. There is sentiment for using the "user-centric" materials to start to define empowerment.

Let's dig up that other "blockchain identity" technology that's certificate-related from our notes. That should be one of the technologies we assess, along with Sovrin, UMA, Opal, and (what else? other stuff in our outline, etc.).

No official meetings next week or for the rest of the year. Thomas and Eve and whoever else cares to join will have ad hoc meetings during our normal slots. Eve will ask KI stuff to remove the official calendar entries, but we'll advertise the opportunities appropriately.

Eve Maler
ForgeRock Office of the CTO | VP Innovation & Emerging Technology
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl