
FYI from DigiCat.

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From: Digital Catapult <>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 7:02 PM
Subject: Smart contracts: unlock blockchain's potential
To: "" <>

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November 2016

Dear Colin,

Top News

New games, new rules

We've been working with the UK Games Fund to create a smart contract prototype that uses blockchain technology to boost innovation in the UK gaming industry.

You can read more about our work in blockchain and smart contracts here, watch 'The Blockchain: Change Everything Forever' video and and share your thoughts at our next blockchain meetup on 5 December.

Save the date: Blockchain Meetup

Open Call: Thales Pit Stop

Develop 'predict and prevent' rail infrastructure

Open Call: ViiV Pit Stop

Find new solutions to transform HIV care

Other News

F-Interop Open Call

IoT SMEs looking to test interoperable solutions are invited to take part in our F-Interop Open Call. Apply before 25 January 2017 and you could receive up to €100,000 funding.

Case studies

Learn how we are working with businesses big and small with our latest case studies featuring PwC and Blue Maestro. Check out the full list of case studies here.

Jim Collins: Live in London

Business strategist, leadership thinker and best-selling author Jim Collins will be presenting an exciting seminar in London. Join him on 28 February 2017 and discover the characteristics your company needs to achieve success. Book your place now.


Meet the Expert: NASA

What does innovation at NASA look like? Find out on 10 November as Digital Catapult Centre North East & Tees Valley interview JPL Ops Labs' Doug Ellison about his career and technology used by NASA. Sign up here.

Brighton Digi Drop in

Meet the Digital Catapult Centre Brighton team on 11 November and hear about the latest tech trends and developments at their Digi Drop in. This month they will be joined by the University of Brighton's Knowledge Engineering Group, who will share their expertise in big data and Applied Intelligent Systems. Book your place

AI vs Business: Economic Impacts of Deep Learning

How will artificial intelligence impact UK industries and businesses? Join us for a day of exciting discussions on 6 December at the Digital Catapult Centre in London. Register here.

Latest content

Bring Your Own Device: where's the risk?

Could bringing your own device to work hinder the security of your business? Hypersocket's Lee Painter shares thoughts in his blog post.

Connected Homes: a storm in a teacup

Digital Catapult Centre Brighton resident Mark Rittman had an epic 11 hour struggle to make a cup of tea with his IoT enabled kettle. Read about his experience here.

The Blockchain: Change Everything Forever

Discover how blockchain is set to transform society by watching our new YouTube video, made in collaboration with Furtherfield.

All the best,

Digital Catapult Team

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