Many of you know that the CommonAccord vision of smart contracts is comprehensive - _all_ records of transactions could be "smart contracts," if we view smart contracts as records that link to their context. At one extreme, there are high-volume, low-text transactions like payments. At the opposite extreme is the acquisition of a company. An acquisition, of course, requires many records, but we can frame it with a single one - a transaction term sheet. This six minute video shows the American Bar Association's "Model Stock Purchase Agreement" in codified form, complemented by a term sheet of parameters. This term sheet is not a smart contract, but it is easy to see that much of it could be automated, or at least supported by automation. A smart contract approach to acquisition agreements could drive codification of business operations - leading ultimately to a company-as-object. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXQvk6_GXDc