http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/2016-09+%28September+201... We meet *Thursdays* at 11am PT / 2pm ET / 7pm UK / 8pm CET for 60 minutes. We use Kantara Line A (US +1-805-309-2350, Skype +99051000000481, international options <https://www.turbobridge.com/international.html>, web interface <https://panel.turbobridge.com/webcall/>, more info <https://www.turbobridge.com/join.html>, code 4022737) and http://join.me/findthomas for screen sharing. See the DG calendar <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/Calendar> for our full meeting schedule. Previous meeting minutes are here: July <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/2016-07+%28July+2016%29+Meetings>, August <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/2016-08+%28August+2016%29+Meetings?src=contextnavchildmode> . Agenda: - Report <http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/Report+from+the+Blockchain+and+Smart+Contracts+Discussion+Group> writing - Search for independent and dependent variables among the "tensions", as inspired by Kathleen and John W for the report - Review use case analysis inputs from John W for the report, if available *Eve Maler*ForgeRock Office of the CTO | VP Innovation & Emerging Technology Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl *ForgeRock Summits and UnSummits* are coming to <http://summits.forgerock.com/> *London and Paris!*