Thanks so much Eve and Thomas

This is, quite simply, an awesome piece of work.  There are folks in both the public and private sectors as well as academia that would 'give their eye teeth' to be part of it.  You and the rest of us in the Kantara community get kind of used to it, because we are surrounded by awesomeness!!:-). But for others outside our realm, it is a rare treasure.  

I want to point out that, from January 2017, we introduced a more formal 'value package' for directed/sponsored/donating funders.  And as Eve indicates, it does not have to be a single funder, it can be 'club funded' tho' beyond 3 funders it can become harder in practice to recognize everybody.

Beyond those orgs with an altruistic ethos in their mission, for most others the motivation to fund the BSC or other Kantara WG artefacts boils down to WIIFM (What's in it for me).

This includes brand recognition on pre-publication docs, recognition in Kantara press releases, blogs and social media where feasible.

That visual association is the representation of the deeper value which is often around an organization's strategic positioning. For example, if an organization's strategy uses market differentiation, or 'first mover advantage' then without doubt, even before the WG was to consider developing requirements for conformance assessment and Trustmarks for applicable outputs of work, this is a cracker of a proposition.

Reach out to me for more details if your organization is interested.


Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 7:34 PM, Eve Maler <> wrote:
Hi everyone! Have you enjoyed your break? :-)

Thomas and I have rounded off the edits to our Report and remanded ownership of the document to Kantara. You'll recall that we included several recommendations. One of them in particular is highly relevant for us to shape further here on this list:

We went a good way towards recommending the shape of deliverables and liaison relationships there. But what's needed for anyone to actually form a WG in Kantara is described in its Operating Procedures. What's required is at least one proposer, and a proposed charter using this template (with the following new additions: a) title of the publication the WG will produce, b) expected timeframe for delivery, c) any paid resources anticipated such as Editor or Project Manager, and d) if yes, then ideally a pre-arranged source of directed funds to avoid slowdown). The finished charter proposal would then go to the Kantara Leadership Council for approval.

I would now like to invite everyone to participate in discussing the chartering of a WG, keeping in mind the original parameters of the recommendations (though these can vary if that's the way the discussion goes) and the chartering requirements. We don't intend to schedule calls for this discussion at this point, though this can be arranged if it seems necessary.

Note: Proposers and those listing themselves in proposed leadership roles in the charter are taking an important new step towards making the listed deliverables happen, with real resources and time! This is the most important practical consideration. (Thomas and I are unable to take on these roles in a new WG, though we are here to guide and comment on the chartering process.)

Eve Maler
ForgeRock Office of the CTO | VP Innovation & Emerging Technology
Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl

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