http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/BSC/2016-10+%28October+2016%... Attendees: ScottS, Kathleen, Matisse, Thomas, JohnW AIs for Report: - Text from contributors - Terminology and definitions Report to dos: Kathleen working on HL7. Jim Hazard has been talking in UMA legal, with many similarities with FHIR work. Question is what will the Smart Contract look like, what will it do. Adrian also writing up text. Kathleen: reach out to Jim for text. Also Adrian has text from the ONC Blockchain Challenge <https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/wiki/display/TechLabI/Blockchain+Challenge+on+ONC+Tech+Lab#BlockchainChallengeonONCTechLab-Bank> . Thomas: anything missing from the Report? Kathleen: need a definition of SC. Scott: yes, we’re not quite there. Also expand to a list/taxonomy of definitions and terminologies for the report. Potential Liaisons: groups that members of BSC are involved and list of relevant orgs looking at SC - HL7 - GA4GH: Global Alliance four Genomic Health - CommonAccord - GTRI: Georgia Tech Research Institute - OTTO: Open Trust Taxonomy for OAuth - Federated Authorization - Smart Contracts Alliance - Kantara’s liaison with JTC1/ISO (Identity Assurance & Management) - UMA WG - CIS WG - New ISO group on blockchains (ISO TC307) - Sovrin - JLINC protocol – JSON-LD may be used for SC. - BlockchainCanada.org *AI:* Thomas: start email thread on definition of SC. *Eve Maler*ForgeRock Office of the CTO | VP Innovation & Emerging Technology Cell +1 425.345.6756 | Skype: xmlgrrl | Twitter: @xmlgrrl *The ForgeRock Identity Summit* is coming to <http://summits.forgerock.com/> *Paris in November!*