Hi all, As mentioned on the call, here’s the link to the submissions to the NIST/ONC healthcare blockchain challenge: https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/wiki/display/TechLabI/Blockchain+Chal... Enjoy! - Scott Scott Shorter - Vice President, Security sshorter@kimbleassociates.com<mailto:sshorter@kimbleassociates.com>

Sorry I had to miss the call. My paper is #7 on that list. #13, by Prakash, is a decent intro to the problem space. Adrian On Thursday, September 29, 2016, Scott Shorter < sshorter@kimbleassociates.com> wrote:
Hi all,
As mentioned on the call, here’s the link to the submissions to the NIST/ONC healthcare blockchain challenge: https:// oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/wiki/display/TechLabI/ Blockchain+Challenge+on+ONC+Tech+Lab
Enjoy! - Scott
Scott Shorter - Vice President, Security sshorter@kimbleassociates.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','sshorter@kimbleassociates.com');>
-- Adrian Gropper MD PROTECT YOUR FUTURE - RESTORE Health Privacy! HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data. DONATE: http://patientprivacyrights.org/donate-2/
participants (2)
Adrian Gropper
Scott Shorter