- Tuesday, 1 Dec 2009
- EST 1:30-2:30pm
- Skype:
- North American Dial-In: +1-201-793-9022 | Room Code: 4630912
- International numbers are on Concordia DG wiki page
0) Roll
1) Approval of minutes from last call
2) LOA
survey (Paul)
- current draft
- feedback
3) Authz survey (John T)
- current draft
(pwd k4nt474)
- waiting till after holidays to go live?
4) Update of Proxying Assurance between SAML & OpenID
- reflects SAML LOA profile achieving CD status
- discussion on ICAM OpenID profile & PAPE LOA
5) Event planning
- KI board have approved $1k funding for Concordia workshop
- Catalyst San Diego planning mail list
6) Next call Tuesday January 12 (normal time)
7) AOB