Hello there; I will be at Identity Week next week as well. Maybe send me email and I’ll arrange a time for us to grab a coffee or bite to meet face to face. Looking forward to seeing a number of you there. Sincerely; Denny Prvu | Global Director of Architecture | Innovation Labs | Immersive, Quantum and Generative AI T&O Strategy, Architecture and Innovation RBC Royal Bank | C. 1-416-606-3605 | Toronto, Ontario | email: denny.prvu@rbc.com<mailto:denny.prvu@rbc.com> _______________________________________________________________________ If you received this email in error, please advise the sender (by return email or otherwise) immediately. You have consented to receive the attached electronically at the above-noted email address; please retain a copy of this confirmation for future reference. Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser l'expéditeur immédiatement, par retour de courriel ou par un autre moyen. Vous avez accepté de recevoir le(s) document(s) ci-joint(s) par voie électronique à l'adresse courriel indiquée ci-dessus; veuillez conserver une copie de cette confirmation pour les fins de reference future.