Hi everyone - the meeting notes are now on the wiki https://kantara.atlassian.net/l/cp/vgyMZS3f Action items: ALL - start discussion about the topic areas that we should study in this group (I'll also send a starter email in the next few days) ANDREW - Call for additional nominations to the DG leadership / project leader team. It was noted that the current leadership team is not particularly diverse. Andrew will email the list seeking nominations for additional lead roles before next meeting. Separately - if you are a very organized person I can use your help right now to manage the running of the group comms - meeting reminders, followups, helping onboard new participants, etc. This is not the same kind of role as a topic lead - it's more about keeping the group mechanisms rolling smoothly. Email me directly if you can help! *Andrew Hughes *CISM mobile/signal +1 250.888.9474 AndrewHughes3000@gmail.com *https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a>*