Happy New Year everyone! FYI no meeting this week - we will resume on January 10, 2024. At our last meeting on December 20, we discussed a challenge that we face with getting additional vendors and IDPV buyers into the group - with two people representing FaceTec in leadership, people who have heard about our group but have not actively participated have expressed concerns that we will try to steer the group in ways that favour FaceTec. That has never been a goal, but it's understandable that people might perceive it that way. To address this concern, I'm going to step down as Chair of the group. Vice-Chair Denny Prvu of RBC/Royal Bank of Canada will step into the Chair role, and Jay Meier of FaceTec will remain as Vice Chair. I'll focus my time on content and promotion of our work. Because our current group structure is only intended to continue for another 6 months or so, the group was generally comfortable not appointing a replacement Vice. In our next incarnation (probably a Kantara Work Group) we can anticipate developing higher-formality recommendations - and we will have lots of time to discuss leadership team composition before that WG gets spun up. I hope that this will make it easier to convince other organizations to join in our work. Please reach out to Denny, Jay or Kay Chopard (Kantara ED) if you have questions or further concerns about this or other topics. We are doing good work here - I'm looking forward to working with this group to produce highly-referenceable work. andrew. *Andrew Hughes *CISM mobile/signal +1 250.888.9474 AndrewHughes3000@gmail.com *https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a <https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-hughes-682058a>*