What is their experience in Identity Management is always my first question? Then, do they actually understand what an Identity is? How do they link the Human Being to the SSI and can they prove there is ZERO Synthetic Identities on their system? Lots of individuals and institutions have started in the IDV market believing you are just a combination of digital data that can be collected from anywhere and taking a picture with a device of yourself and some kind of Identity document. You are firstly a Human Being before you are something digital and SSI is of no value on any platform that does not prevent Deep Fake Synthetic Identities to be onboarded onto their system. Kindest regards Dawid Jacobs <file:///C:/Users/Dawid%20Jacobs/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Signatures/dal-id entity.com> From: jim pasquale <jimpasquale@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 4:26 PM To: dg-deepfakesidv@kantarainitiative.org Subject: [DG-DeepfakesIDV] Dee[fake and SSI FYI: Sounds to good to be completely true. <https://youtu.be/Z5YkVll6P-8?si=Grp7TKos1qTgEXlK> Using Self-Sovereign Identity to Mitigate AI Deepfake Fraud <https://youtu.be/Z5YkVll6P-8?si=Grp7TKos1qTgEXlK> youtu.be