Hi everyone - we will have our final meeting of 2023 this week.

Concerns have been raised by several parties that having two FaceTec people (me as Chair, Jay as Vice-Chair) in leadership roles of the group might cause objectivity or favoritism towards a vendor or solution.
The situation was caused by me moving from Ping to FaceTec - when I envisioned this group I certainly had not planned on changing jobs, but here we are.
The group leadership team and Kantara's Executive Director have discussed the issue and have some thoughts on how to resolve this. We'd like to discuss the situation with you all and come to a decision on acceptable ways forward.
Remember - this group is only supposed to live for 9-12 months overall before transitioning into its ongoing format. Now that we have completed one third of the expected lifespan of the group, it seems like a reasonable time to make adjustments to better ensure our overall success. 

So please join the call this week
- Discussion about group leadership structure and adjustments needed
- Accomplishments so far in 2023
- Should we ask for time at Identiverse (end-May) and EIC (start-June) conferences for a Big Reveal? Are we prepared to declare those deadlines yet?

Andrew Hughes CISM 

mobile/signal +1 250.888.9474