Hello Everyone

I hope you are all having a great week.

I realize that this is a short week for some of you and I’m sure crazy week if it involved travel out to IdentiVerse.

So many of our team will be at IdentiVerse so we thought I would be better if we cancelled this week’s DeepFakes call and continue next week.

Andrew also posted a message letting you all know that there is a room at IdentiVerse where there will be a Kantara session.  If you didn’t see the email, please let me know and I’ll re-post it.

Looking forward to connecting next week.

Have a great week.



Denny Prvu | Director of Architecture | Generative AI Strategy & Innovation

RBC Royal Bank | C. 1-416-606-3605 | Toronto, Ontario | email: denny.prvu@rbc.com




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