I'm always interested in hearing what Jim Wayman has to say. I can try to chime in for part of it. C. Maxine Most Principal, Acuity Market Intelligence www.acuitymi.com +1 720 530 5836 On Aug 22, 2024, at 1:17 PM, Prvu, Denny (He/Him/His) via DG-DeepfakesIDV <dg-deepfakesidv@kantarainitiative.org> wrote: Not sure if taking a leadership role is in the Kantara wheelhouse for this topic with this group, but to show that we are deeply invested in industry requirements I’m happy to join as a Kantara person for the session, take notes and bring it back to the DeepFakes group and the IAWG for Andrew and team. Sincerely; Denny Prvu | Director of Architecture | Generative AI Strategy & Innovation RBC Royal Bank | C. 1-416-606-3605 | Toronto, Ontario | email: denny.prvu@rbc.com<mailto:denny.prvu@rbc.com> From: Kay Chopard <kay@kantarainitiative.org> Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2024 2:26 PM To: dg-deepfakesidv@kantarainitiative.org Subject: [DG-DeepfakesIDV] Fwd: [nbac-tsc] NIEMOpen Biometrics Town Hall Event [External]/[Externe]<https://connect.fg.rbc.com/community/techhub/external-email-indicator> I realize this is specific to biometrics, so I don't know if anyone on this list would be interested in it. It's happening next week. The NIEM Open folks have been trying to get Kantara to take a leadership role and establish an identity domain, but I don't have the bandwidth on the staff at this time. Just sharing in case any of you would be interested in this. Thanks. Kay Kay Chopard | Executive Director [https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1f_FyEBepOKYcAfkyIsaSFzguA7Tg8XgN&revid=0B7AAtl15W-dSdms4Mjk0bVhuUmNDOHZGTjd6Y3dMcDFrRDhvPQ] Twitter: @KantaraNews LinkedIn: @KantaraInitiative ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sullivan, Stephen M CTR JS J6 (USA) via lists.oasis-open-projects.org<http://lists.oasis-open-projects.org> <stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr=mail.mil@lists.oasis-open-projects.org<mailto:mail.mil@lists.oasis-open-projects.org>> Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 12:09 PM Subject: [nbac-tsc] NIEMOpen Biometrics Town Hall Event To: niemopen-nbactsc@lists.oasis-open-projects.org<mailto:niemopen-nbactsc@lists.oasis-open-projects.org> <niemopen-nbactsc@lists.oasis-open-projects.org<mailto:niemopen-nbactsc@lists.oasis-open-projects.org>> Announcing NIEMOpen Biometrics Town Hall Event [NIEMOpen Biometrics Town Hall - 2024] The NIEMOpen Biometrics Subcommittee Executive Committee (NBSEC) is hosting a Virtual Biometrics Town Hall Event on August 29, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM EST. Please block your calendar and email OBIMFuturesIdentityNIEM@hq.dhs.gov<mailto:OBIMFuturesIdentityNIEM@hq.dhs.gov> to be added to the Biometrics member list and receive a calendar invite. The meeting will be accessible via the Microsoft Teams Links specified below. This event aims to bring together the Biometric Community, providing a platform to discuss the latest updates and gather community input. Download<https://www.niem.gov/sites/default/files/2024-08/NIEMOpen%20Biometrics%20Town%20Hall%20Event%20v2.1.pdf> a copy of this release and share it will a colleague. The agenda includes: · Updates from the NIEMOpen Biometrics Subcommittee Executive Committee: Consisting of the Department of Homeland Security Office of Biometric Identity Management (DHS OBIM), the Department of Defense Forensic Biometric Agency (DOD DFBA), the Department of Justice Criminal Justice Information Services Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ CJIS FBI), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). · Presentation on the Forensic Electronic Data Interchange Specification: Delivered by the DFBA, highlighting the progress in this area. · Speech by Dr. James Wayman: Focusing on "What Biometric Testing Doesn't Tell Us." · NIST Updates: Progress and new developments from the National Institute of Standards and Technology Update. · Discussion on NIEM Transition to OASIS NIEMOpen: Provided by Ms. Katherine Escobar, NIEMOpen PGB Chair. Why Attend? · Gain insights from the NIEMOpen Biometrics Subcommittee Executive Committee. * Strengthen relationships within the biometrics community. * Explore collaborative opportunities for future projects. If you are interested in participating in the Biometrics community, joining the member list, or providing feedback on the existing NIEM Biometrics data model, please reach out to Biometrics via email at OBIMFuturesIdentityNIEM@hq.dhs.gov<mailto:%20obimfuturesidentityniem@hq.dhs.gov>. ________________________________ How To Attend: · Microsoft Teams -- Need help?<https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/join-a-meeting-in-microsoft-teams-1613bb53-f3fa-431e-85a9-d6a91e3468c9?omkt=en-us&ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us> · Direct URL: Join the meeting now<https://niem.gov/bio-event> ________________________________ · Meeting ID: 225 027 108 259 * Passcode: c3MbDt _______________________________________ Dialing In? · Phone #: +1 202-516-6093 · PIN: 18413684# Stephen M. Sullivan Booz Allen Hamilton/Analyst Joint Staff J6 DDC5I DSD 116 lake View Parkway, RM 242 Suffolk, Virginia 23435-2697 Office: ( 757)203-8619 Mobile:(757) 831-4850 NIPR: stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr@mail.mil<mailto:stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr@mail.mil> SIPR: stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr@mail.smil.mil<mailto:stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr@mail.smil.mil> BAH: Sullivan_Stephen@bah.com<mailto:Sullivan_Stephen@bah.com> NBAC TSC Secretariat, NIEMOpen Management Office TSC, & NIEMOpen PGB Recorder _._,_._,_ ________________________________ Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#219)<https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/g/niemopen-nbactsc/message/219> | Reply To Group<mailto:niemopen-nbactsc@lists.oasis-open-projects.org?subject=Re:%20%5Bnbac-tsc%5D%20NIEMOpen%20Biometrics%20Town%20Hall%20Event> | Reply To Sender<mailto:stephen.m.sullivan14.ctr@mail.mil?subject=Private:%20Re:%20%5Bnbac-tsc%5D%20NIEMOpen%20Biometrics%20Town%20Hall%20Event> | Mute This Topic<https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/mt/108040625/6250843> | New Topic<https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/g/niemopen-nbactsc/post> Your Subscription<https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/g/niemopen-nbactsc/editsub/6250843> | Contact Group Owner<mailto:niemopen-nbactsc+owner@lists.oasis-open-projects.org> | Unsubscribe<https://lists.oasis-open-projects.org/g/niemopen-nbactsc/leave/11975674/6250843/1784070009/xyzzy> [kay@kantarainitiative.org<mailto:kay@kantarainitiative.org>] _._,_._,_ _______________________________________________________________________ If you received this email in error, please advise the sender (by return email or otherwise) immediately. 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