June 26 Meeting Agenda

Hello everybody! I hope you are well. During our last meeting, few members showed up. However, we had a very robust discussion about what the Kantara AI-IDV Group would/should do next. Tomorrows Meeting Agenda will be to continue this conversation and, potentially, come to some consensus. It’s important that as many Members attend as is possible. Please find notes describing the last meetings discussion. The Kantara pattern is to explore a topic in a Discussion Group (like this one) - then decide whether there is more work to be done If more work to be done then we can charter a work group to write recommendations, define requirements, and maybe establish a certification scheme Andrew suggested that we could take the ENISA Good Practices for Remote IDPV report, write a set of requirements that encompass the report’s recommendations, add requirements that arise from our DG discussions. Lots of active discussion about where such work might fit into the Kantara world, how it could relate to 800-63A, how it might fit into updating of international standards. The work that the follow on WG produces will end up influencing national frameworks and guidance - but exactly how it will influence is TBD. Looking forward to another lively discussion! Wednesday: Join The Zoom Meeting <https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86156446139?pwd=NVZJcVFOZmc3a1NWS0J6SURmc1VKUT09> Meeting ID: 861 5644 6139 Passcode: 808675 Thanks, all! J Jay Meier Senior Vice President - North American Operations jay@facetec.com | 612-978-3687 www.FaceTec.com <http://www.facetec.com/> | www.Liveness.com <http://www.liveness.com/> | www.SpoofBounty.com <http://www.spoofbounty.com/> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the use of the Addressee and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please erase all copies of the message and its attachments.
participants (1)
Jay Meier