Morning, All. Looks like Denny will miss todays meeting. So please consider this our agenda notification. 1) Mike Chaudoin is a biometrics industry veteran, with decades of experience, including lots of NIST, ISO and engineering work. He has been observing our little group and would like to participate at some level. He also has some interesting perspectives on biometrics and the workflows within a biometric system. He has offered to potentially lead a new topic area for us, focusing on those biometric workflows and the vulnerabilities therein. I will invite him to participate today, or next week, to share his ideas. We should discuss this opportunity today, get some consensus on the idea. 2) Heather has apparently left the group. She was leading a couple different subject areas. We need to discuss whether to keep those subject areas and, if so, we need people to take her responsibilities for them. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86156446139?pwd=NVZJcVFOZmc3a1NWS0J6SURmc1VKUT09 Talk to you shortly. J Jay Meier Senior Vice President - North American Operations jay@facetec.com | 612-978-3687 www.FaceTec.com <http://www.facetec.com/> | www.Liveness.com <http://www.liveness.com/> | www.SpoofBounty.com <http://www.spoofbounty.com/> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the use of the Addressee and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please erase all copies of the message and its attachments.
participants (1)
Jay Meier