Welcome to the European Use case and Market Discussion Group

Dear colleagues, Welcome to the European Use case and Market Discussion Group (DG-EUM); and my very best wishes for 2011! My name is Serge Ravet, and I have the honor to convene this DG, along with Fulup, Sampo and Mikaël. Mini bio: after leading EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning) which is a member of Liberty Alliance, I am currently working for the establishment of a new organisation, the Internet of Subjects Forum (www.iosf.org) which mission is to free personal data from organisational and business silos. The idea of this discussion group germinated last October, during Kantara's meeting in Paris. The aim was to explore the conditions (technical and others) for the adoption of a massively scalable trust architecture, reaching 200 to 500 million users, beyond organisational and national boundaries. One of the first outcomes of the DG-EUM, even before its incorporation, was the submission of a response to the 7th framework programme: ICI (Identity Centric Internet). I've attached the proposal, so you can have an understanding of some the ideas of those who initiated the DG. We don't have the response from the review yet, but if ICI is not accepted this time we plan to resubmit a better proposal in June or later —this document could become a wiki to serve as foundation for a future proposal... I've also been in contact recently with Rainer Hörbe who convenes the new DG Business Cases for Trusted Federations (BCTF) who expressed his concerns for the risks of duplication with our own DG. He has offered to share information, define common deliverables etc. One solution to avoid duplication might be to decide that (most) technical discussions should take place within other DGs and WGs (e.g. UMA), while DG-EUM would focus more on dissemination and (massive) adoption projects. Also, before the formal kick-off of the DG, I would like to have your feedback on a few questions: 1) what do you personally expect from the EUM DG? 2) how do you see our activities in relation to other DG and WG? 3) what should be our main deliverables: a) building proposals for the 7th FP? b) the creation of a European chapter —recruiting more European members, get EC funds for Kantara's activities? c) a critical review of current deployment of trust architectures in Europe? d) a white paper on the conditions for the adoption of massively scalable architectures? e) other (s)... 4) should we rename our DG to clarify our relationship with other DG and WG? Suggestions: European DG, European Trust Adoption DG,... ? I look forward to you feedback, suggestions and comments Warm regards Serge Free our Data Now! Support the Internet of Subjects Manifesto! Join us at the 9th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference 11-13 July London www.epforum.eu ---------------------------------------- tel +33 3 8643 1343 mob +33 6 0768 6727 Skype szerge www.iosf.org www.eife-l.org ----------------------------------------

Hi Serge, Please could you tell me when the Kick Off meeting is for the DG, please. Rainer Hörbe and I are meeting with the European Commission DG INFSO and Home Affairs staff to provide them with an "Identity Management Tutorial" (their words). The sponsoring staff are also responsible for the European Commission consultation on e-authentication, e-identity and digital signatures. The consultation does not cover a number of important topics so it would be a good opportunity to make some of the Kantara activities more visible to the Commission. Hence it would be helpful to have a view from the EUM DG. Thank you. regards, Patrick Patrick Curry Director British Business Federation Authority - BBFA Ltd M: +44 786 024 9074 T: +44 1980 620606 patrick.curry@federatedbusiness.org www.federatedbusiness.org – a not-for-profit, self-regulating body On 24 Jan 2011, at 14:52, Serge Ravet wrote: Dear colleagues, Welcome to the European Use case and Market Discussion Group (DG-EUM); and my very best wishes for 2011! My name is Serge Ravet, and I have the honor to convene this DG, along with Fulup, Sampo and Mikaël. Mini bio: after leading EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning) which is a member of Liberty Alliance, I am currently working for the establishment of a new organisation, the Internet of Subjects Forum (www.iosf.org) which mission is to free personal data from organisational and business silos. The idea of this discussion group germinated last October, during Kantara's meeting in Paris. The aim was to explore the conditions (technical and others) for the adoption of a massively scalable trust architecture, reaching 200 to 500 million users, beyond organisational and national boundaries. One of the first outcomes of the DG-EUM, even before its incorporation, was the submission of a response to the 7th framework programme: ICI (Identity Centric Internet). I've attached the proposal, so you can have an understanding of some the ideas of those who initiated the DG. We don't have the response from the review yet, but if ICI is not accepted this time we plan to resubmit a better proposal in June or later —this document could become a wiki to serve as foundation for a future proposal... I've also been in contact recently with Rainer Hörbe who convenes the new DG Business Cases for Trusted Federations (BCTF) who expressed his concerns for the risks of duplication with our own DG. He has offered to share information, define common deliverables etc. One solution to avoid duplication might be to decide that (most) technical discussions should take place within other DGs and WGs (e.g. UMA), while DG-EUM would focus more on dissemination and (massive) adoption projects. Also, before the formal kick-off of the DG, I would like to have your feedback on a few questions: 1) what do you personally expect from the EUM DG? 2) how do you see our activities in relation to other DG and WG? 3) what should be our main deliverables: a) building proposals for the 7th FP? b) the creation of a European chapter —recruiting more European members, get EC funds for Kantara's activities? c) a critical review of current deployment of trust architectures in Europe? d) a white paper on the conditions for the adoption of massively scalable architectures? e) other (s)... 4) should we rename our DG to clarify our relationship with other DG and WG? Suggestions: European DG, European Trust Adoption DG,... ? I look forward to you feedback, suggestions and comments Warm regards Serge Free our Data Now! Support the Internet of Subjects Manifesto! Join us at the 9th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference 11-13 July London www.epforum.eu ---------------------------------------- tel +33 3 8643 1343 mob +33 6 0768 6727 Skype szerge www.iosf.org www.eife-l.org ---------------------------------------- <ICI-29-11.3.pdf>_______________________________________________ DG-EUM mailing list DG-EUM@kantarainitiative.org http://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/dg-eum

Hi Patrick, The kick off could be anytime. The delay is mainly due to the lack of feedback to my initial email... I totally agree that the Commission has little understanding of Kantara's work _ I experienced myself within a European project (TAS3) how difficult it is to make partners understand the need to work within Kantara and not create, yet, another silo... So, OK to move forward, and for that it would be nice to have a (very) short feedback on your views on the goals and remits of DG-EUM. For example, there is a FP7 call for end of April which might be interesting: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm?fuseaction=usersite.FP7DetailsCallPage&call_id=392#infopack it is for SMEs in the field of contents and languages, but one might imagine a proposal linked to a service exploiting trust technologies, for example an architecture where content produced by individuals is stored in personal data stores that are integrated in a trust architecture (benefits: searchability, sharing etc., something not easy to achieve within current architecture)... Also: FET Open: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/fet-open/home_en.html which is an open call: "FET-Open is a light, topic-agnostic and deadline free scheme specifically designed to be open and continuously responsive to novel and fragile ideas that challenge current thinking, whenever they arise and wherever they come from." May be the role Kantara and its european members could play in the current and future call for tenders is something to discuss with the EC reps you'll meet? Best wishes Serge Le 14 mars 2011 à 11:53, Patrick Curry a écrit :
Hi Serge,
Please could you tell me when the Kick Off meeting is for the DG, please.
Rainer Hörbe and I are meeting with the European Commission DG INFSO and Home Affairs staff to provide them with an "Identity Management Tutorial" (their words). The sponsoring staff are also responsible for the European Commission consultation on e-authentication, e-identity and digital signatures. The consultation does not cover a number of important topics so it would be a good opportunity to make some of the Kantara activities more visible to the Commission.
Hence it would be helpful to have a view from the EUM DG.
Thank you.
Patrick Curry Director
British Business Federation Authority - BBFA Ltd M: +44 786 024 9074 T: +44 1980 620606 patrick.curry@federatedbusiness.org www.federatedbusiness.org – a not-for-profit, self-regulating body
On 24 Jan 2011, at 14:52, Serge Ravet wrote:
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the European Use case and Market Discussion Group (DG-EUM); and my very best wishes for 2011!
My name is Serge Ravet, and I have the honor to convene this DG, along with Fulup, Sampo and Mikaël.
Mini bio: after leading EIfEL (European Institute for E-Learning) which is a member of Liberty Alliance, I am currently working for the establishment of a new organisation, the Internet of Subjects Forum (www.iosf.org) which mission is to free personal data from organisational and business silos.
The idea of this discussion group germinated last October, during Kantara's meeting in Paris. The aim was to explore the conditions (technical and others) for the adoption of a massively scalable trust architecture, reaching 200 to 500 million users, beyond organisational and national boundaries.
One of the first outcomes of the DG-EUM, even before its incorporation, was the submission of a response to the 7th framework programme: ICI (Identity Centric Internet). I've attached the proposal, so you can have an understanding of some the ideas of those who initiated the DG. We don't have the response from the review yet, but if ICI is not accepted this time we plan to resubmit a better proposal in June or later —this document could become a wiki to serve as foundation for a future proposal...
I've also been in contact recently with Rainer Hörbe who convenes the new DG Business Cases for Trusted Federations (BCTF) who expressed his concerns for the risks of duplication with our own DG. He has offered to share information, define common deliverables etc.
One solution to avoid duplication might be to decide that (most) technical discussions should take place within other DGs and WGs (e.g. UMA), while DG-EUM would focus more on dissemination and (massive) adoption projects.
Also, before the formal kick-off of the DG, I would like to have your feedback on a few questions:
1) what do you personally expect from the EUM DG? 2) how do you see our activities in relation to other DG and WG? 3) what should be our main deliverables: a) building proposals for the 7th FP? b) the creation of a European chapter —recruiting more European members, get EC funds for Kantara's activities? c) a critical review of current deployment of trust architectures in Europe? d) a white paper on the conditions for the adoption of massively scalable architectures? e) other (s)... 4) should we rename our DG to clarify our relationship with other DG and WG? Suggestions: European DG, European Trust Adoption DG,... ?
I look forward to you feedback, suggestions and comments
Warm regards
Free our Data Now! Support the Internet of Subjects Manifesto!
Join us at the 9th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference 11-13 July London www.epforum.eu ---------------------------------------- tel +33 3 8643 1343 mob +33 6 0768 6727 Skype szerge www.iosf.org www.eife-l.org ---------------------------------------- <ICI-29-11.3.pdf>_______________________________________________ DG-EUM mailing list DG-EUM@kantarainitiative.org http://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/dg-eum
Serge Ravet Free our Data Now! Support the Internet of Subjects Manifesto! Join us at the 9th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference 11-13 July 2011 London www.epforum.eu ---------------------------------------- tel +33 3 8643 1343 mob +33 6 0768 6727 Skype szerge www.iosf.org www.eife-l.org ----------------------------------------
participants (2)
Patrick Curry
Serge Ravet