Hi Ingo,

As promised, some initial thoughts about object identifiers.  As this group will know, "object" and "identifier" are such general words that putting the two together leads to a lot of variation.

Here's a fun fact that I learned while working on this - the term "registration authority" comes from the ITU-T OID governance scheme.  An OID RA's job is to assign OIDs within the managed arc (including the integer and the associated name describing the integer value) but they are not required to verify anything except the uniqueness of the issued integer value.  Or as ITU-T X.660 section 6.3.1 says:  

"A Registration Authority may concern itself only with unambiguous assignment of names (the administrative
role), or may in addition need to concern itself with recording definitions of objects and verifying that these definitions
are in accordance with the ITU-T Recommendation and/or International Standard defining the form of the definition
(the technical role)."

Anyway, hope this contribution is helpful, look forward to talking today.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 7:35 AM, <Ingo.Friese@telekom.de> wrote:

Dear All,


I hope you are all doing well.

I’d like to remind you that our next IDoT-call is coming up today.

I’m looking forward to talking to you!


Best regards,





Date and Time


  • Roll call
  • Action item review
  • New hour/date for our bi-weekly call

·         IDoT work items (I’d like to discuss this points with you)

    • IDoT use-case collection

o    Concept paper – sub topics

  • AOB



Kind regards
Ingo Friese



Deutsche Telekom AG

T-Labs (Research & Innovation)
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Friese
Winterfeldtstr. 21, 10781 Berlin
+4930835358148 (Phone)

+49391580216849 (Fax)

E-Mail: ingo.friese@telekom.de


Life is for sharing. 

Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lehner (Chairman)
Board of Management: René Obermann (Chairman),
Reinhard Clemens, Niek Jan van Damme,
Timotheus Höttges, Dr. Thomas Kremer, Claudia Nemat, Prof. Dr. Marion Schick
Commercial register: Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 6794
Registered office: Bonn

Big changes start small – conserve resources by not printing every e-mail.


DG-IDoT mailing list

Scott Shorter, Principal Security Engineer, Electrosoft Services Inc.
sshorter@electrosoft-inc.com O: 703-437-9451 x21 M: 240-994-7793