Good day all.

I recently reviewd OTA's IoT Trust Framework.  It prompted me to recognize the need to elevate Applications to the top level of our device hierarchy - along with Sensors, Processor, and Actuators.  The apps do most of the work managing the three hardware components.  As such, they are the real intelligence that will often be the discriminator of who has access and who doesn't. and what rights the accessing entity has.

You can review the OTA's framework at the forwarded link below.

I have attached my comments to OTA for your review and consideration.

Thank you.


Jeff Stollman
1 202.683.8699

Truth never triumphs — its opponents just die out.
Science advances one funeral at a time.
                                    Max Planck

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eve Maler <>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 8:29 PM
Subject: [WG-UMA] Fwd: [KI-LC] Of Possible Interest - OTA IoT Trust Framework Public Review
To: " WG" <>

Here’s something called a “trust framework” that looks a bit different from what identity federation (or, possibly, access federation) folks might have in mind, but is very interesting. OTA does good work. If anyone is interested to reach out to them in a more formal fashion around UMA synergies, or would like to coordinate on comment collection, let me know.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Joni Brennan <>
Subject: [KI-LC] Of Possible Interest - OTA IoT Trust Framework Public Review
Date: 21 August 2015 at 12:26:51 PM PDT

Dear LC - the Online Trust Alliance has put out a IOT Trust Framework for public review.  I believe the paper is 5 pages (for a send of the scope of review).

OTA has invited Kantara to comment on the paper.
  The deadline is Sept 14th.  OTA would be happy to provide your members a briefing or webinar. 

If WGs / DGs have particular interest we are happy to review organizational liaison opportunities as well. 

Best Regards,

Joni Brennan
Kantara Initiative | Executive Director
email: joni @

Connecting Identity for a more trustworthy Internet - Overview

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