Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:06:05 +0000
Subject: New issue: "interoperate" IoT standards newsletter

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25 June 2014
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Technology Science Business Education #mqtt #iot
Could Bandwidth Problems Derail the Internet of Things? (QCOM)
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thumbnail www­ - The Internet of Things will soon connect formerly simple objects to the Internet -- like in-home appliances or even dog collars -- in order to glean information from them, or allow devices to autom...
Internet of Things 'needs smarter security' - Telegraph
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www­ - “If we don’t have a fundamentally new security model, then I don’t know how we’re going to enjoy the Internet of Things,” Kaufman said, speaking at Gigaom's Structure conference in San Francisco on...
Nest Announces Developer Program To Jumpstart Internet Of Things Explosion - HotHardware
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thumbnail hothardware­.com - Who would have thought that the standard bearer of the Internet of Things (IoT) wave would be a company that makes smart, connected thermostats and alarms? Yet indeed, Nest announced the Nest Devel...
How Bluetooth Smart is shaping the internet of things | News
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thumbnail www­ - The internet of things (IOT) is now at a crossroads. While it has featured in mainstream tech discourse long enough not to be seen as a brand new trend, it is not yet a technology that has entered ...
OPC: at the heart of the Internet of Things
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www­ - OPC: at the heart of the Internet of Things Suzanne Gill finds out more about OPC developments and the potential role it has to play in the Internet of Things in the industrial environment. The dem...
Lucid Raises $8M to Scale Its Operating System for Buildings : Greentech Media
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thumbnail www­ - Building efficiency software developer Lucid just received a gift for its tenth birthday: the closure of a series-B funding round for $8 million. The round was led by Formation 8 Partners, with a f...
Docomo And Vodafone Expand Their Partner Agreement To Include Machine-To-Machine
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m2m­ - The two companies have been working together for a number of years and this development will allow both parties to benefit from the opportunity offered by the Internet of Things and M2M services ac...
30-day Public Review for #AMQP WebSocket Binding 1.0 ends July 19th
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Cloud Interop
www­ - The OASIS Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) Bindings and Mappings (AMQP-BINDMAP) TC [1] members have recently approved a Committee Specification Draft (CSD) and submitted it for 30-day publi...
How IoT can save us from world challenges
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thumbnail www­ - [LIVEBLOG] The Connected Conference, the first international conference dedicated to the Internet of Things, welcome this morning in Paris Gary Atkinson, Director of Emerging Technologies at ARM to...
Lasers Embed Sensors in Smartphone Display Glass
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thumbnail sciencebusiness­ - 19 June 2014. Engineers at École Polytechnique de Montréal and Corning Inc. in Corning, New York designed a process for embedding sensors into the display glass covers on smartphones. The research ...
The right RFID platform for your industrial IoT – SCS
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thumbnail blog­ - The world of IoT (Internet of Things) is quickly and continuously evolving. As a matter of facts, industry is lagging behind consumer applications and is regularly overtaken by excessive time to ma...
AMA says telemedicine could improve access, quality of care - Computerworld
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thumbnail www­ - Computerworld - The American Medical Association (AMA) believes using telemedicine to deliver care to patients could greatly improve access and quality of care, while maintaining patient safety. Th...
Connected World magazine | Telit and IOATAS Snag M2M Certification
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www­ - The GCF announced the first recipient of the new M2M product certification born out of work by Telit Wireless Solutions,, and United Kingdom-based wireless field testing company, IOTA...
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Joerg Wende
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Miki Nacucchi
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ABO Data announces the US availability of PLAT.ONE Enterprise Grade Internet of Things Application Platform/
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M2M, IoT, device management: one protocol to rule them all
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Dominik Obermaier
This Firefox OS-powered streaming stick is Mozilla’s answer to Chromecast (exclusive video) — Tech News and Analysis
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How the 'Internet of Thing' will become the Internet of Things
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Industrial Internet of Things Suggests Data Standards and Real-Time Collection Starting Point - Press Release - Digital Journal
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BBC News - Nest reveals tie-ups with Jawbone, Mercedes and others
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Google’s Nest to acquire video monitoring startup Dropcam for $555M — Tech News and Analysis
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SIGFOX Demonstrating How U.S. Public Agencies Can Extend Internet of Things Benefits to ‘Save Lives’ - MarketWatch
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Oracle San Francisco 2014
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Benjamin Cabé
National Women in Engineering Day: six Twitter accounts to follow | Women in Leadership
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Dr Lucy Rogers
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