Hi Scott,


Welcome to the list ;-) Great input! Had a first look at it.  Let’s check what terms and concepts we can adapt or refer to.






From: Scott Shorter [mailto:sshorter@electrosoft-inc.com]
Sent: Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013 15:58
To: Friese, Ingo
Cc: dg-idot@kantarainitiative.org
Subject: Re: [DG-IDoT] IDoT document "Concepts of identity in the interent of things


Hi all, 


I've been lurking on this list for a bit, not sure if I've remembered to introduce myself.  Very interested in this topic.


Good doc, Ingo. The section on object identifiers makes me think of a standard the SCAP suite called Asset Identification. The specification is NISTIR 7693 and it has some good discussion of identifiers. The data model includes literal identifiers (e.g. MAC address), synthetic identifiers (assigned names and numbers) and relationship identifiers of various sorts, including device relationships like "Host X is part of System Y", "Host X is on Network Z", as well as human relationships such as who owns or administers the asset.





On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 4:49 AM, <Ingo.Friese@telekom.de> wrote:

Dear All,


I hope you all are doing well and having a nice holiday season. As discussed in our conf-call last week, I uploaded a “very-very early draft of our concept paper „Concepts of identity in the Internet oft Things”.

We’d like to develop this paper step by step to a use-full document helping users, architects, engineers, managers and decision makers to understand identity in the context of the IoT.

I’d like to encourage you to have a look at the paper. Add your comments or take care of a topic that you are interested in. None of the current paragraphs is ready. It is rather more a small TOC.

It is currently more or less 1 page, but I’m sure it will grow with your help.

If you have ideas, suggestions, questions please let me know.




Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


DG-IDoT mailing list


Scott Shorter, Principal Security Engineer, Electrosoft Services Inc.

sshorter@electrosoft-inc.com O: 703-437-9451 x21 M: 240-994-7793