Thanks Jeff
Useful insights.
<<If ISO does go forward with this proposal, how do we keep them from accepting this mish-mash?>>
Good point. We only have a liaison with Working Group 5 (Security and Privacy).
This is targeted at WG7.
All we could do is point out the issue to Kantara members, who may wish to take it up with their National Body reps.
Maybe the BoT Liaison list has other ideas..

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:31:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [DG-IDoT] New Work Item proposal from CN on IoT


Thank you for forwarding this document.

To my mind, the proposed model is far too complex and seeks to combine logical, physical and market models that are better segregated into separate layers.

In the proposed ISO model, the domain "IoT Systems" appears to be a superset of components such as "Sensors" and "Things'Objects".  How can the system and its components be equal domains in an architecture?  Similarly, "Markets" appears to be a superset of components "Service Providers" and "Customers."

I believe that the proposed model is ill-conceived and lacks much input from diverse sources.

I think that the model that our DG has been working on is more likely to provide a useful reference architecture -- though we have focused primarily on the logical layer.

If ISO does go forward with this proposal, how do we keep them from accepting this mish-mash?


On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Colin Wallis <> wrote:
I think I am able to share this because it has not yet received a project number from ISO (i.e.not yet voted as a project accepted by National Bodies).
Enjoy.. :-)
Comments welcome.