Scalable many to many on all sides of the equation * not just single to single connections the picture is not just a single blob to single blob study but instead a large grapher of multiple relationships/connections ---- Acknowledgeable this is MVCR ---- Provable Open qs: * mechanism of proof? * does there need to be something baked into the relationship itself to help here? * does the authority "stamp" the relationship to prove it? why * need to prove grants (Sal) Adrian - point of proof could be to provide safe harbor for the other party. i have a contract with a resource sign which I sign. would the resource server be off the hook for the contract. PKI - example of 3rd-party asserted provability * trace to the root CA the value of the "manager" is in some extent of how it can prove relationships could authentication be a sub-case of Provable? * i have something that proves my relationship with the other * let's enhance the doc to identify this sub-case is there an anti-provable? Adrian - use case * provable relationships with "any risk" of surviellance Should the "manager" measure surviellance as value add? * information leakage measurements? what's the connection to MVCR and the WG and other groups and projects? * need for auditability - this is a dovetail with consent receipt * informed consent - terms of service archiving - TOSBack Project