Transferable continued can we separate full from partial delegation? scope of delegation * is scope something that really only applies to temporary transferance? does permanent transference creates a new relationship connection or replace an existing? * some resonance with blockchain Ken D's example of vehicle recall for notion of "prior" should we rename this to "delegation"? System that respects the design prinicple of transferable: * allows one party to hand its connection to a relationship to another party * this hand off can be all or some of the original party's permissions * this hand off can be for a period of time or permanent --- Constrainable Should there be "must" in the first sentence? Applying a scope vs restrict a relationship going forward persistence of constraints going forward * may not always be possible anti-pattern for "must" * IoT - i might want to constrain what data it trasmits, but the device might no be able to not transmit a part of its data * in this case device cannot respect constrainability * is this the place for the "manager" to enforce constrainability Constrainability may not have to be enforce by the actors but instead by the thing brokering the relationship * in IoT the cloud backend constrains things for the actor there is a strong implication that the thing involved can constrain itself. "All behaviors and allowable actions associated with a relationship must be able to be constrained based on the desires, preferences, abilities, and even business models of the parties involved."