One thought I had would be to present an update to the presentation I gave last year in which I described some of the risks and threats of the IoT.  This could be done as a solo presentation or a panel.  Given EICC's preference for panels that might be best.
I have become increasingly concerned about the potential to create global chaos by systematically compromising large numbers of IoT devices.  This could be done by either a criminal organization or a nation state.
I have attached the presentation for reference.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 4:11 PM, <> wrote:

Dear All,


We were ask to present at the European Identity Conference (5.5. until 9.5.) in Munich.

This could be a presentation or a panel or both.

So if you have topics or ideas to present please let me know.

We can talk about it in our next conf call on Friday.


Best Ingo  

DG-IDoT mailing list

Jeff Stollman
1 202.683.8699

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                                    Max Planck