Hi Ingo

Thank you for your dedication and leadership of this group over the past years, and sorry to hear about the changed responsibilities that takes you in another direction.

I'm jumping here as I know that LC Chair Andrew Hughes is deep into ISO SC27 meetings in Gjovik this week, representing both Kantara and his national body, and will be short of time to respond.

I am aware we have lots of email lurkers this group that don't necessarily turn out for the calls.

Whether you are a regular on the calls or one of those lurkers, now is the time to step up with your ideas and leadership.

So let's start with your ideas for extending the topic that Ingo championed, or new topics that can be progressed with your leadership. 

Then we can have process play its role to formalise the way forward.

Kind regards

Executive Director
Cell: +44 (0)7490 266 778

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 11:06 AM <Ingo.Friese@telekom.de> wrote:

Dear IDoT DG,


The group exists now for more than 5 years. Unfortunately we lost momentum during last months. I tried to regain it by setting up a hands-on topic like

“authentication with the help of blockchain” used in a vertical like smart cities.

But obviously there is not as much interest as I thought. Due to reorganizations in my company I will be no longer able to chair this group.

If someone has interest and time to take over this position to drive the group with new enthusiasm would be great.

Another option would be to shut down the group.

I started to talk to Colin and Andrew  about it.

I’d like to postpone the todays call until we sorted out the next steps.


Thank you!


Best Regards,
Ingo Friese



T-Labs (Research & Innovation)
Dipl.-Ing. Ingo Friese
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin
+4930835358148 (Tel.)

+4930835358409 (Fax)

E-Mail: ingo.friese@telekom.de



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