Correction - the TSCP session is

Identity Relationship Management – Business, Consumers, and Citizens Connection and Context in the Age of IoT

Today, having an Identity Management strategy is not only an IT need but rather a business priority. Identity and Identity Access Management is evolving and connecting to your customers, citizens, and partners means the difference between business as usual and business building innovation. Identity Relationship Management provides a common language for the evolution of identity as a driver of revenue. Building upon data context and the emerging internet of things, with respect for user control of data sharing, identity is now a powerful connection tool that fosters and supports relationships.

We’ll discuss high level concepts around the modularity and adaptability that is needed to perform in today’s environment while maintaining appropriate access control. These concepts are internationally scoped as core business drivers moving beyond basic IT solutions and risk management. This event will focus on innovation of enterprise, small business, and governments’ services. Presented by Kantara Initiative

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Scott Shorter <> wrote:
My quick action items:
My longer term action items:
  • Re-visit ITU-T's OID as an namespace model in light of XRI's capabilities
  • Review SCAP's Asset Identification standard (and Common Platform Enumeration (CPE), Common Vulnerability Enumeration (CVE)) as namespace models
  • Share Kantara's comments about identity proofing non-person entities from last year's comment process with the list.
Whew. Have a good weekend!
Scott Shorter, Principal Security Engineer
Electrosoft  Fueling Customer Success Through Outstanding Value and Trust!
Woman-Owned, Minority-Owned Small Business | ISO 9001 | CMMI Level 2 
1893 Metro Center Drive; Ste 228; Reston, VA 20190
(703) 437-9451 x21 (office);   (240) 994-7793 (cell) (Email); (Web)

Scott Shorter, Principal Security Engineer
Electrosoft  Fueling Customer Success Through Outstanding Value and Trust!
Woman-Owned, Minority-Owned Small Business | ISO 9001 | CMMI Level 2 
1893 Metro Center Drive; Ste 228; Reston, VA 20190
(703) 437-9451 x21 (office);   (240) 994-7793 (cell) (Email); (Web)