Dear IDoT Group,


I hope you all are doing fine. I know we are already in the middle of January and still…I’d like to wish you a Happy 2015 and I’m looking forward to our common work this year.

There are some topics coming up:

1.       Confcalls              - I’ll shortly schedule our ConfCalls for the next month

2.       Block chains        -Matteo and Ivan will be happy to talk about block chains on 20.2.

    Find attached an IBM paper about block chains, Matteo ask me to send it to you in preparation/intro to the discussion

3.       EIC 2015               - Joni told me that EIC guys would like to see a presentation from our group this year

4.       IEEE                        - P2413 likes to see some input from us regarding identity/trust/privacy

5.       IDoT doc              - We want to write a paper/white paper


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards Ingo