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29 October 2014
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Education Technology Science Business #mqtt #iot
Final specification for Fido password-killing protocol imminent
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www­ - The final technical specification for a new password-killing authentication protocol is imminent, said Phil Dunkelberger, chief of Nok Nok Labs and a founding member of the Fido Alliance. “Expect t...
Will Twitter's Fabric Connect the IoT?
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thumbnail www­ - Twitter built a billion-dollar business by allowing humans to exchange 140-character messages, but according to some observers, a big part of its future may involve facilitating communication on th...
Spring AMQP 1.4 RC1 Released
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Martin Sachs
thumbnail spring­.io - We are pleased to announce the availability of the Release Candidate for Spring AMQP 1.4; the GA is planned to be released during the first week of November. First of all, thank you all who provide...
Orange's Datavenue Platform To Power IoT/M2M Application Development, Opens to Third-Party Developers in 2015
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thumbnail www­ - During the launch of the Datavenue challenge aimed at spurring the development of new applications for the Internet-of-Things(IoT)/M2M space, Orange said that its Datavenue service platform offers ...
Freescale Steps into the Connected Car, Brings Ethernet Connectivity for IoT/M2M-based Infotainment Services
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thumbnail www­ - Freescale Semiconductor steps into the IoT/M2M Connected Car space with the announcement of its Smart Application Blueprint for Rapid Engineering for Auto Infotainment (SABRE Al) development system...
Rise Of Things: IoT's Role In Business Processes - InformationWeek
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thumbnail www­ - The perfect digital storm of mobile, social, cloud, analytics and connected devices (a.k.a. "Things") is transforming businesses, governments, and consumers at an alarming rate. The societal impact...
Apple Pay Looks To Rate Highly On Security, According To FIDO Alliance’s Nok Nok Labs
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thumbnail www­ - Apple Pay, Apple Inc.’s mobile wallet system that opened for use on Oct. 20 in the United States, could score big on security and the system achieved critical mass at launch, succeeding where attem...
The Internet of Things Is Not Like Baseball - The CIO Report - WSJ
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blogs­ - October 29, 2014, 3:22 PM ET The Internet of Things Is Not Like Baseball
After Broadcom imbroglio, Open Interconnect Consortium, AllSeen Alliance wrestle with IP issues in IoT - FierceWirelessTech
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thumbnail www­ - The Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) and the AllSeen Alliance are both working to standardize the Internet of Things (IoT) space and make devices interoperable--and in doing so they pit some of t...
The Global Market for the Internet of Things in Smart Buildings Will Rise to over $85Bn by 2020, Predicts Memoori Research
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www­ - LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Overall connectivity penetration rates across all building systems are currently only around 16%. This connectivity penetration rate will of course rise steadily over the c...
Time to step up: vendors missing the mark on IoT - from
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thumbnail www­ - A new study by AVG Technologies finds that SMBs and MSPs see tremendous potential in the Internet of Things as a driver of business growth – provided IT vendors and solution providers step up their...
How to use RabbitMQ with PHP
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Avoiding MQTT Pitfalls - 2lemetry
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Tim Kellogg
Mobile Camp : demo and slides on geolocation using MQTT
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Connected devices, real-time push and the Web of Things - EVRYTHNG
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Kazu Ogaki
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M2Mqtt is officially part of the Paho project !
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Kazu Ogaki
5 IoT challenges for connected car dev | Bits & Pieces from the Embedded Design World
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Lectronix, Inc.
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