Hi Eve,

Hi Colin,


Without knowing all UMA details I have the feeling that UMA could work for many use-cases in the Internet of Things, e.g. in terms of
authorization although the resource owner is not present; a standardized way to introduce the AM to the protected source; one AM per user/owner etc..





From: Eve Maler [mailto:eve@xmlgrrl.com]
Sent: Montag, 19. August 2013 17:55
To: Colin Wallis; Friese, Ingo; dg-idot@kantarainitiative.org
Subject: Re: [DG-IDoT] IDoT use-case collection "rental car mobility" scenario by Ingo


Hi folks-- Responding from my personal email address...


"OAuth for things" and granting access authorization to autonomous (no pun intended) third parties around access to devices are topics we've discussed a bit in the UMA group. You can see the discussion in our 2013-06-20 meeting notes and also in the "Device Managed Access" email thread. What UMA's profile adds to OAuth's typical capabilities (wrt this topic, anyway) is to allow the resource owner to set the conditions of access ("policy") and then not have to be present or logged in to anything when a third-party requesting party comes along and attempts access. The choice of whether to treat a human being or the "thing" itself as the initial resource owner is an interesting philosophical/deployment-specific question.




On 19 Aug 2013, at 8:15 AM, "Maler, Eve" <emaler@forrester.com> wrote:

Eve Maler
Forrester Research | Principal Analyst, Security & Risk | cell +1 425.345.6756 | @xmlgrrl | forr.com/evemaler


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Colin Wallis <colin_wallis@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 6:29 PM
Subject: RE: [DG-IDoT] IDoT use-case collection "rental car mobility" scenario by Ingo
To: "Ingo.Friese@telekom.de" <ingo.friese@telekom.de>, "dg-idot@kantarainitiative.org" <dg-idot@kantarainitiative.org>, Eve Maler <emaler@forrester.com>

Very very good use case Ingo.
I can see why you cannot discuss Security and Privacy because there is no Authn or Authz baseline to build considerations for these.
I went back to your links to the IETF work in your previous emails where I remember Authn and Authz mentioned.
Not much there! More questions than anything..
But CoAP over  DTLs/TLs was mentioned.
...and questions on whether OAuth could be refashioned into 'SASL and the GSS-API'    ..which I guess is another way of getting to the same place you are suggesting with UMA (cc'ing Eve in here for a comment..)

From: Ingo.Friese@telekom.de
To: dg-idot@kantarainitiative.org
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 15:06:09 +0200
Subject: [DG-IDoT] IDoT use-case collection "rental car mobility" scenario by Ingo

Dear all,

Please find attached my first draft for one of my IDoT use-cases. Thoughts and comments are highly welcome.




Scenario “Enhanced car mobility” draft (Ingo Friese)


A rental car company „Green&Blue cars“wants to sell mobility instead of just renting cars per hour/day. They want to start a new business: selling mobility. A customer buys mobility e.g. for three days. Everything is included e.g. fees for the parking houses (owned by a company “Berlin Parking”) and costs for gas or energy taken from energy-stations (owned by a company “Berlin Green Energy”).


Bob visits the city of Berlin. He goes to the counter of „Green&Blue cars“ and buys 3 days of mobility. He signs the contract and gets the key for the car. Now he is driving through the city center and wants to stop for sightseeing. He drives to a “Berlin Parking” house. When he wants to leave the parking house after a while a sensor at the gate recognizes and authenticates the identity of his rental car. As both companies “Green&Blue cars” and “Berlin Parking” have some mutual agreement the gate opens.

Bob recognizes that the battery of his car is low. The navigation system directs him to a “Berlin Green Energy” Station. When he arrives at the energy station his car is identitfied and authenticated. Bob loads the battery without any payment and goes on.

More technical view

From the identity point of view we have several aspects here:

Bob is crossing domains of different companies. All these companies may have chosen different solutions, protocols and address and authentication schemes to manage their items.


The gate of “Berlin Parking” has to communicate with Bob’s car. At least in order to recognize “ok this car has a special contract so it’s good to go”. For communication we need communication endpoints/addresses for the gate and for the car. The endpoint for the gate could be: (mixed address…public & “Berlin Parking” specific address URL) The endpoint for the car is in fact an IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) of a mobile build in GSM unit e.g. #490154203237518#. Other rental car companies use the car-id taken from the CAN-BUS System (widely used system in car industry). Both companies have their special address scheme.

How to address items across different domains, namespaces and formats? (Extensible Resource Identifier OASIS XRI might be an approach….needs further discussion)


Bob is able to load the battery of his car or he can get gasoline without direct payment. It is really important that only cars of “Green&blue car” company get their fuel or energy without extra payment. So the car has to authenticate itself against the energy station.

How to provide authentication without Bob’s interaction? May be its possible to find a special solution for “Green&blue car” but what if tomorrow other rental car companies want to join? Is there something like a general authentication scheme for things?


“Green&blue car” is only allowed for gas up to a certain amount of money.

How to authorize things? (OAuth for Things?...)


The rental car company “Green&blue car” is allowed to check the status, location and certain statistics at any time. “Berlin Green Energy” is allowed to check the location of Bobs car in order to direct him to the nearest Energy station. There has to be a policy management deciding who is allowed for what?

I have the feeling we need an authorization framework here. (kind of UMA/OAuth thing?)


_______________________________________________ DG-IDoT mailing list DG-IDoT@kantarainitiative.org http://kantarainitiative.org/mailman/listinfo/dg-idot



Eve Maler                                  http://www.xmlgrrl.com/blog
+1 425 345 6756                         http://www.twitter.com/xmlgrrl