
In our next conf-call I’d like to talk a bit about the structure of our work. In our charter we promised 3 deliverables:

1.       Use-cases: The excel template is a good approach to me to classify the use-cases. I just try to fill in “Runaway dog use-case”.  I have the feeling that we identify important and pressing issues here.

It would be good if you take your use case and fill out the template

2.       Landscape document / state of the art:

The IoT Landscape of IoT is really huge (GSC MSTF identified 143 standards dealing with IoT)

I attached a mind-map as an first overview. Have a look and complete.

That’s an overview. We will have a closer look to dedicated topics (e.g. main standardization bodies one M2M, HGI, IETF etc.)

3.       IEEE article

I’d like to have a IDoT document that helps people to understand what is special with IdM in the IoT.

Something like “Identity concepts in the IoT”


We can start to collect first bullet points. E.g. we had the ownership discussion, Frank and I discussed about Object identifier mapping, names-spaces etc.


This is something we can discuss in our next Telco on Tuesday.


Best regards,

