Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 18:39:10 +0000
Subject: New issue: "interoperate" IoT standards newsletter

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20 August 2014
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Education Business Science Technology #mqtt #iot
How Open Source initiatives can influence the Internet of Things
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thumbnail evothings­.com - During the colorful IoT World event at the Palo Alto Crown Plaza earlier this Summer, a whole day was themed on open source for Internet of Things, moderated by industry expert Ajit Jaokar of Futur...
Why FISMA is not enough for the Internet of Things -- FCW
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thumbnail fcw­.com - The cybersecurity vulnerabilities uncovered in a number of the Transportation Security Administration's electronic security and personnel management devices are part of a growing problem for federa...
Next Generation Reversible USB-C Standard Is Finalised
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thumbnail www­ - The standard for the next generation USB-C connector has been finalised, paving for the way for a much less fiddly connector for computer users in the future. The new standard will be reversible an...
IoT is here and there, but not everywhere yet - PC Advisor
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thumbnail www­ - The Internet of Things is still too hard. Even some of its biggest backers say so. For all the long-term optimism at the M2M Evolution conference this week in Las Vegas, many vendors and analysts a...
RacoWireless Brings Cloud-Based IoT Development Tools That Offer Ubiquitous Standard for Any Device, Any Connectivity
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www­ - One of the main challenges in getting everything connected in the M2M sphere is the requirement for custom integration across different devices and different receiving platforms. In a world where s...
Internet Of Things Standards Are Years Away - Roundtable
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thumbnail www­ - The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to revolutionise our home and business lives, but it cannot take off properly until there is a single interconnection standard, according to an industry roundt...
Why the 'Internet of things' is a ticking bomb | VentureBeat | Security
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thumbnail venturebeat­.com - Last week, experts at the annual Black Hat security conference illustrated that the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is  extremely susceptible to attack by exposing 13 previously unknown vulnerabilities ...
Samsung to Acquire SmartThings, Open IoT Platform - M2M Magazine
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thumbnail www­ - MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire SmartThings, the leading open platform for the smart home and th...
IoT will become multitrillion-dollar market by 2020 - Computerworld
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thumbnail www­ - IDG News Service - Companies have embarked on a gradual but massive adoption of "Internet of things" (IoT) technology, investing in sensors to collect data, which is then wirelessly sent for furthe...
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Simen Sommerfeldt
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Whats the difference between M2M & the Internet of Things? | Stephanie Beaumont
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How Bluetooth LE drives IoT designs
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What is MQTT and When You Should Use It - PubNub
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Bob Scott
Talking about IT | Multi-platform IoT prototype part 1: Hosting HiveMQ on Microsoft Azure
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Dieter De Preester
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The Acquisition of Axeda Makes Things Work for PTC – PollockOnService
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Vodafone: Rise of the Machine-to-Machine
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IoT and M2M Market Size to Swell Close to USD500 billion by 2019 with Widespread Adoption Across Consumer and Industrial Applications
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Smart grid and smart buildings share same disruptive impacts
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